The Chat
Ever wonder what bestselling authors talk about when they get together? Listen in every week on the musings of two good friends, C. G. Cooper and Robert J. Crane. Check out their writing and other work at: http://cg-cooper.com & http://robertjcrane.com
Podcasting since 2023 • 49 episodes
The Chat
Latest Episodes
#49 Once More, With Lorenz
Mike Lorenz returns for another wide-ranging chat with Robert about all the problems of the day. And there are so many problems.

48 - The Master Debaters
Chatting about Robert's travels, reading, writing, genre fiction, the debate trainwreck (we couldn't avoid it), Carlos's vacation plans, the death of the pickup game for kids, the brutality of partisan politics, and the shocking lack of wisdom ...

#47 Lorenz Explains It All
Friend of the show Mike Lorenz returns! He and Robert chat about the heat of summer, not letting your smart phone run your life, nuclear power, tailwinds of growth, and money, money, money.

#46 - Robyn Haines Q&A with Robert, Part 2
Friend of the podcast Robyn Haines returns to ask Robert many, many fan questions about Girl in the Box, with a few peppered in about Sanctuary and Southern Watch. Part 2 of 2. SPOILER WARNING! If you're not up to date on Girl in the Box, Sanct...