The Chat
Ever wonder what bestselling authors talk about when they get together? Listen in every week on the musings of two good friends, C. G. Cooper and Robert J. Crane. Check out their writing and other work at: &
The Chat
#43 Robert Has P-nu-mo-nia
C. G. Cooper & Robert J. Crane
Season 1
Episode 43
Robert and Carlos chat about Robert's latest ailment, the benefits of genetic testing, the plethora of AI tools, the ups and downs of book publishing, and interlude with a garage door.
If you're an author looking for a manager/agent (CGC's manager has one, maybe two openings) to take care of ALL writer business stuff so you can focus on WRITING, email Carlos at and he'll whisk your info to his rockstar manager/agent for consideration.
Check out Robert's books HERE and Carlos's books HERE.
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